1 Log into your live/sandbox account.
2 From the left hand menu navigate to "Merchant > API > Apps" to register a new app.
3 Click "New App"
4 Complete the options provided. Use the links for help or contact CoinGate if you aren`t sure. In most cases entering a title is enough.
5 Click save to generate your unique CoinGate API v2 Auth Token.
6 Log in to your Maian Coin control panel and navigate to "Settings > Payment/Currency".
7 On the "General" tab, select "CoinGate" as the "BitCoin/Blockchain Gateway".
8 On the parameters tab, create a parameter with the name of "coingate-auth-token" and enter your CoinGate API v2 auth token in the value.
9 A second, optional parameter called "coingate-rec-currency" can also be set. This is your preferred receiving currency. If this is not set, it will default
to "DO_NOT_CONVERT", which means your payment will have no conversion. If you prefer to set a receiving currency, the value of "coingate-rec-currency" must be
a supported 3 character currency code. Eg: USD, GBP, EUR
Setup completed. You are now ready to receive/test payments using CoinGate.