Here you can add or edit an existing package. The free version may have restrictions on the amount of packages that can be created. Unlimited packages
can be added in the commercial version.
General > Name
The name of your package.
General > Lockbox
The lockbox associated with this package. Lockboxes must be added before packages.
General > Package Type
Define package type:
Fixed - One off payment. Subscription - Recurring payment
General > Fixed > Fixed Price Access Duration (Access for XX...)
If package type is fixed, specify the amount of time before the package expires. This can be minutes, hours, days, months or years. If you don't want to
have an expiry time, simply set the package to 1000 years or something way in the future.
The fixed access timer starts with the first login. So, if you have set your package as 1 day and someone logs in at 7am, their account will expire in 24hrs at 7am. NOT when
the day moves into another day (ie, midnight). Same as months, years, it's the duration from the first login.
Likewise, if the member doesn't log in at all for a week, their account will not have expired. It's the duration from the first login.
General > Subscription > Subscription Renewal Recurrence (Renew every XX...)
If package type is subscription based, specify the time for each renewal or recurrence. In days, weeks, months or years.
IMPORTANT: Paypal & Stripe allows only certain range values. These are as follows:
Days: 1 to 90
Weeks: 1 to 52
Months: 1 to 24
Years: 1 to 5
If you specify a value outside of these ranges, an error will be returned either by the system or the payment gateway.
General > Additional Information About Package (Optional)
Enter any additional information about this package for your visitors. You can use the Wysiwyg editor to format the display and easily add images
or media content.
The cost of the package. If this is a fixed access account, free accounts are supported by entering 0.00 or 0 as the cost.
Payment > Processing Currency
Specify processing currency. This must be supported by any payment options you have enabled.
Currency Display Preference
Determines how prices are displayed on web pages. Use character entities for currency symbols. Use {AMOUNT} where the cost/price will appear. Examples:
US Dollars: $9.99 = ${AMOUNT}
Euros: 9.99 €= {AMOUNT}€
Japanese Yen: 9.99¥ = {AMOUNT}¥
Australian Dollar: $9.99 AUD = ${AMOUNT} AUD
In emails, the currency ISO code will be shown.
Payment > Subscription Renewal Grace Period (X Days)
The grace period is the time after the subscription has expired. In days. So, for example, if the subscription is due to be renewed on a certain date and the
grace period is set to 1, the member can login up to 1 day after the renewal is due. This comes into play with gateway responses. An example:
Joe Blogs signs up for a 7 day subscription. The gateway would flag the next renewal date as 7 days from the current day. But, there is no way of knowing what time on that day
the gateway will send the next transmission. If the grace period was set to 0, then Joe Blogs would be unable to login until the renewal date is updated. But you may want to
give customers the benefit of the doubt and give them a 'grace period' of 1 day, so that their login never disables as long as the subscription is live.
A grace period of 1 should be all you need.
Notifications > Admin
This lets you enable or disable system email notifications for admin. Email templates are located in 'content/language/email-templates/*.txt'.
Notification to confirm order (paypal-pending.txt) Sends email notification if Paypal payment pending.
Notification when order is completed (order-completed.txt) Sends email notification when order is completed and verified by gateway.
Notification when subscription is renewed (order-recurring.txt) Sends email notification when subscription is renewed.
Notification when subscription renewal fails (order-failed.txt) Sends email notification when subscription payment fails.
Notification when subscription is stopped (order-stopped.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is stopped.
Notification when subscription is re-started (order-restarted.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is restarted.
Notification when payment is refunded (order-refund.txt) Sends email notification if payment is refunded.
Notification when free account signup is completed (order-completed-free.txt) Sends email notification when account is created for free package.
Notification when subscription is cancelled by customer (order-cancelled.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is cancelled by customer via cancel button in user control panel.
Notifications > Customer
This lets you enable or disable system email notifications for customers. Email templates are located in 'content/language/email-templates/*.txt'.
Notification to confirm order (paypal-pending-auto.txt) Sends email notification if Paypal payment pending.
Notification when order is completed (order-completed-auto.txt) Sends email notification when order is completed and verified by gateway.
Notification when subscription is renewed (order-recurring-auto.txt) Sends email notification when subscription is renewed.
Notification when subscription renewal fails (order-failed-auto.txt) Sends email notification when subscription payment fails.
Notification when subscription is stopped (order-stopped-auto.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is stopped.
Notification when subscription is re-started (order-restarted-auto.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is restarted.
Notification when payment is refunded (order-refund-auto.txt) Sends email notification if payment is refunded.
Notification when free account signup is completed (order-completed-free-auto.txt) Sends email notification when account is created for free package.
Notification when subscription is cancelled by customer (order-cancelled-auto.txt) Sends email notification if subscription is cancelled by customer via cancel button in user control panel.
Options > Manually Approve New Members
Do you wish to manually approve new accounts/members? If yes, no-one can log in after payment until their account is activated.
Options > Manually Approve Re-Activated Accounts
If a subscription is re-activated by someone, do you wish to re-approve their accounts? If yes, they cannot login until their account has been re-activated/approved.
Options > Default Event Logs
Which events do you wish to log?
Login - Logs member login events. Date, time and IP. Payment - Logs payment actions, subscription renewals, cancellations etc Admin Actions - Logs admin actions related to the account.
Options > Enable Package
Enable / disable this package. Enabling or disabling a package does not disable the lockbox or account login.