Restoring your database is fairly easy. You just need to navigate to your MySQL management software and run the backup SQL schematic. Most servers have PHPMyAdmin or Adminer installed. Alternatively
you can use other good database software. Below are some example:
HeidiSQL (My software of choice for local administration on Windows and one of the best free pieces of software out there)
PHPMyAdmin (Installed on many servers as the default database software. PHP based.)
Adminer (A better option than PHPMyAdmin. A single PHP file. Terrific for database management)
SQL Buddy (Lightweight PHP based software. Great alternative to PHPMyAdmin)
MySQL Workbench (Free Windows/Mac/Linux based software from the MySQL creators)
Database Beaver (Free database management software for Windows. Java based.)
Database Browser (Free database management software for Windows)
Sequel Pro (Free database management software for the MAC)