Bounce Flags

The bounce flags determine what the system should look for in the message body of an email to determine if that message is a bounced message.

Be careful what flags you specify. Some flags may accidentally delete valid emails.

Some popular flags are as follows:

permanent error
mail delivery failed
mailbox full
bad destination mailbox address

When an email is found the system will do the following:

1 Delete the message from the mailbox.

2 Attempt to extract the email from the message body and remove any related data from your database.

Note that leaving the flags box blank will auto disable all bouncers regardless of enable/disable settings.
Expand Textarea
Clicking the small crosshair, top right, in any textarea will expand the area giving you more room to type.

Email Notification of Bounce Events
If enabled, sends email notification of bounce events. Enter email address. Supports multiple addresses separated with a comma.