1 Log into your
Socket Labs account.
2 Go to "Configuration > Settings > Advanced Features > Notification API" and enable API.
3 You must validate the callback/endpoint Url before it can be used, so in a text editor, open the following file in your responder installation:
4 Enter the "Validation Key" from your Socket Labs control panel in the "API_KEY" value at the top of the file and
make sure this file is uploaded to your server.
5 Next go to the "Endpoint URL" in your Socket Labs control panel, enter the full url (starting http://) to the same file you edited above:
Note: For security, you may rename the above file.
6 Next, click "Validate" and you should see a message saying "Your Endpoint URL is valid".
7 Finally, enable "Failed events" and "Complaint events" and click "Update".
Web hook is now set up.