Cron Job

What are Cron Jobs?
Cron jobs are automated tasks. On Windows servers it is the Task Scheduler. There is one file in Maian Stripe that should be set up to run as a cron job. This is detailed below.
1 System Ops
This performs the following operations:

- Auto deletes sales that have not been activated after xx amount of days.
(Limit set in 'control/options.php' file via 'DEAD_SALE_DAYS' constant. Default is 7 days.)

- Activates store if offline and re-enable date is set.

- Deactivates coupons that have hit their expiry dates (if set)

The file to run is:


You should set this cron to run once a day.
Cron Job Example Commands
Examples of cron tab commands. These may or may not work, you should contact your host if you aren't sure. Make sure you use the correct paths to the files shown above. Here an example file is shown (xx.php).


/usr/local/bin/php /home/admin/domains/
php q /home/admin/domains/
/usr/local/bin/php q /home/admin/domains/


C:\Windows\php\php.exe "C:\server\www\control\cron\ops.php"
If you don't understand this, contact your host for assistance. Path is almost always the FULL server path to the cron file.