Payment Gateway Setup (Stripe)

Maian Stripe uses Stripe as it's payment processing gateway via the Stripe checkout API. Stripe is a popular option for many e-commerce websites and offers fast secure payments. It is also very slick on small devices making it a good choice if your target audience using phones/tablets. Please read the instructions below carefully to set up Stripe for your store.
Supported Browsers
Stripe strives to support all recent versions of major browsers. For the sake of security and providing the best experience to the majority of customers, they do not support browsers that are no longer receiving security updates and represent a small minority of traffic.

They support Internet Explorer and Edge per Microsoft's lifecycle policy. As of January 12, 2016, they support Internet Explorer 9 and above.
They support Chrome and Safari on all platforms and Firefox on desktop platforms.
They support the Android native browser on Android 4.4 and later.
They require TLS 1.2 to be supported by the browser.
They respond to bug reports but do not proactively test other mobile browsers.

For the latest browser support information, click here.
Stripe account.
1 Enable Stripe API
[1] Sign up for a Stripe account.

[2] Click 'Developers > API Keys' in the left menu to generate your perishable and secret keys. Generate keys for live and test data. Or create a separate account for testing.

[3] Next select 'Developers > Webhooks' (See above screenshot). Click to add new endpoint.

Enter the callback/endpoint '' and specify all event types. If the option isn't available for all types, you should select ALL checkout events. If there is an option to select an API version, you should choose '2020-08-27' or later. Make sure the callback url is the correct url to your setup.

[4] When your webhook has been added, make a note of your 'signing secret'. This is visible when you click to view a webhook. Look for 'Signing Secret' and 'Click to reveal' code.

Setup is Completed! See Below
2 Activate in Maian Stripe
[1] Log into your control panel and from the left (off canvas) menu, select 'Settings > Payment / Currency'.

[2] Select 'Live' mode.

[3] Click the 'Parameters' tab. Add the following parameters.

api-key = Your Publishable Stripe Key
secret-key = Your Stripe Secret Key.
endpoint-secret = Your Endpoint/Webhook Secret Signing Key.

[4] The following parameters are optional and can be included if you know what they mean:

locale = 2 digit valid Stripe locale
image = Full http path to custom business image (appears when stripe is shown on checkout).See following screenshot:

If you don't specify an image, the following image is used:
3 Testing Your Stripe Installation
Stripe has a full set of test cards you can use to test the system out. It will also work on localhost (providing Curl is enabled), unlike many other payment gateway setups. For information on the test cards and test codes, please refer to the Stripe testing page.

Once you are happy everything is working, don't forget to activate your Stripe account and set up your live keys.
4 Enable Gateway Logging
Initially it's a good idea to enable the gateway log to make sure the callback is being received. Select 'Payment / Currency' from the left menu in your admin area and on the 'Gateway' tab make sure 'Log Responses' is set to yes. All order processing will be logged in the 'logs' folder.

You should disable this when you go live.
5 SCA (Strong Customer Authentication)
Maian Stripe supports v3 of the Stripe API and supports SCA, which came into affect in 2019.
6 Further Information
Now that the payment gateway is set up, refer to the main install page for further instructions.