Facebook uses open graph data. When you or someone shares your journal page on facebook they
will grab an image from your page to use as a preview image in your post. If the open graph image
is present it will always use that. If not it will grab a random image from your page. A FB example:
1 Images should be uploaded (in any folder structure) to the 'content/gallery' folder.
2 Click the
icon to select your image.
3 Click the
to preview your selection.
Leave blank for no social open graph image. Example:

If you enter the path manually, it should start with the 'gallery' relative path. Example:
If no image is set, the following default images are used:
Please check the social network site or the open graph website for the best recommended image sizes (usually 250px). Note that
if you change an image, the old one will remain in the network cache. You can view the crawler information
for FB
The image set here is also included in RSS feeds as the enclosure image. If the image is not set, the default enclosure image is "content/**theme**/assets/images/enclosure.png.