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{ Maian Recipe }Please read this page carefully as it contains feature information:
FullText Search System:Maian Recipe uses MySQL's FullText search system. This has certainly boolean search options like a search engine. Details as follows:
apple banana
Find results that contain at least one of the two words.
+apple +juice
Find results that contain both words.
+apple macintosh
Find results that contain the word 'apple', but rank results higher if they also contain 'macintosh'.
+apple -macintosh
Find results that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'.
+apple ~macintosh
Find results that contain the word 'apple', but if the ad also contains the word 'macintosh', rates it lower than if the ad does not. This is 'softer' than a search for '+apple -macintosh', for which the presence of 'macintosh' causes the ad not to be returned at all.
+apple +(>turnover <strudel)
Find results that contain the words 'apple' and 'turnover', or 'apple' and 'strudel' (in any order), but rank 'apple turnover' higher than 'apple strudel'.
Find results that contain words such as 'apple', 'apples', 'applesauce', or 'applet'.
"some words"
Find results that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, results that contain 'some words of wisdom' but not 'some noise words').
Words 3 characters or less use a standard LIKE query.
The comments system is also Ajax based. Comments can be set to approval in the settings if required and if set, can be batch approved in the admin area.
Spam Prevention Captcha:The captcha implemented in Maian Recipe is a basic captcha. You can change the options in the 'control/classes/class.captcha.php' file.
Javascript Image RotatorMaian Recipe has a simple JS image rotator. You can use this with your own images or simply remove the code from the header template and not use it. To use the header rotator with your own images, replace the images in the 'content/images/header' with your own. Simple as that. If you want a better header, try something else.
RSS Feeds:The RSS feed can be enabled/disabled in the settings. The amount of latest recipes to show in the feed and also the build date format are set in the 'control/defined.php' file. The RSS styling is in the 'rss.css' file, but many modern browsers now have their own styling for RSS feeds and this will do nothing.
Visitor Submitted Recipes:This can be enabled/disabled in the settings.
Search Engine Friendly URLs/Mod-Rewrite:If you enable this option in your settings, you MUST rename your 'htaccess_COPY.txt' file to '.htaccess'. If you fail to do this you will see a 404 error. Actually the system
checks this file is in place. This function turns standard .php files into .html files. This has many benefits, including the masking of the scripting language for security and also better search engine optimisation.
If you are only familiar with html, this may confuse you as the folder structure will appear totally different than what it is. This is how it works.
IMPORTANT!! This function will ONLY work on Apache servers. If you enable this on a server not supporting the rewrite directives you will see a 500 Internal Server
Error. If you see this remove the '.htaccess' file and change the settings back to DISABLE this feature.
Finally, if you have renamed the .txt file and your server does support htaccess, but you still see a 404, see the comments in the .htaccess file. You may need to set a RewriteBase rule.
The hit counter displays the amount of times the recipe has been viewed. Instead of text I've set it to display graphic digits. You can change the default minimum amount
of digits in the define ('HIT_COUNT_DIGITS_MIN', 6); variable in the 'control/defined.php' file. By default it's 6, so the count starts 000001. You can also globally
disable/enable the hit counter in this same file.
Added in 3.0 for advanced multimedia formatting. The buttons should be fairly self explanatory if you are used to HTML tags. For multimedia content like YouTube, simply copy/paste the
full YouTube url into the editor and the video will magically appear.