The ajax method is the recommended option as the visitor never leaves the site they are on and the operation is a little slicker. However, this may not be available for everyone. If you have issues or if this is too complicated, use the standard post and get methods instead.

The code below is the code you place on your website where you want the subscription box to appear. You can have multiple boxes on one page if you wish.

Please read to this information carefully.
Add the following code BEFORE your closing </head> tag
This code should go before the closing head tag.

Important: DO NOT load the jQuery library if your website is already using it as this may cause conflicts!

View your pages source code if you aren't sure if your website is already loading jquery. Do a search for 'jQuery'.
Add the following code BEFORE your closing </body> tag
This code should go before the closing body tag on your page. This code has a number of parameters that can be passed, and they are detailed below. If you wish to have multiple sign up boxes on the same pages, use unique div IDs and make sure this is referenced for the plugin. See below.
The following parameters are allowed in the body code. Parameters marked in bold are required.

Important: If code is being placed on a different domain, "remote" MUST be set to yes to invoke the cross domain proxy.

If this is set, you MUST NOT have code in an existing .htaccess file blocking cross site scripting, this will always kill the remote code. If you don't want to remove the code Maian Responder HTML code cannot be used remotely.

Name Value
base This is the base path (including slash) to your responder root setup. Required.
campaign The campaign ID as detailed on the main campaigns page. Required.
tmp The location of the form template, relative to the 'base' path. Defaults to 'content/signup-form.html' if omitted.
remote If code is being added on a different domain, this MUST be set to yes to invoke the cross domain proxy. Defaults to no.

Important: If this is set, you MUST NOT have code in an existing .htaccess file blocking cross site scripting, this will always kill the remote code.
style The location of the form stylesheet, relative to the 'base' path. Defaults to 'content/css/signup.css' if omitted.
processor Name of processing file in responder root. The default is 'signup.php'. If you wish to rename it, also set the new name in the 'control/options.php' file (SUBSCRIBE_PROCESSOR).
text Text which appears at the top of the default form template. Defaults to 'Join My Newsletter' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'
place_text1 Placeholder text for first name input box in the default form template. Defaults to 'Enter first name..' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'

(Added in v1.4)
Placeholder text for last name input box in the default form template. Defaults to 'Enter last name..' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'
place_text2 Placeholder text for email input box in the default form template. Defaults to 'Enter email address..' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'
bt_text Text which appears on button in default form template. Defaults to 'Signup' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'
bt_text_wait Text which appears on button after submission in default form template. Defaults to 'Please wait..' if omitted. If you are using a custom template, this may have no affect.

IMPORTANT: Apostrophes MUST be escaped, eg: 'xx\'xx'
focus_nm Do you want the name field to have focus on page load? Yes or No, defaults to No.
show_fa_icons Do you want the show the font awesome icons for messages? Yes or No, defaults to Yes.
Form Template & Customisation
The default form and stylesheet locations are as follows:

content/css/animate.css (imported)
content/css/bootstrap.css (imported)
content/css/font-awesome/font-awesome.css (imported)

You can edit or create your own form if you wish, but the following MUST be observed:

1 First Name input box must be 'name="nm"'.

2 Last Name input box must be 'name="nm2"'. (Added in v1.4)

3 Email input box must be 'name="em"'

4 Input button must have <button>..</button> tags with 'type="button"'

5 Form must have a master div class called 'signup', which immediately precedes the form.

<div class="signup">
  <form method="post" action="#">
6 Error and success divs must be present for response messages.

<div class="mr_ok_message"></div>
<div class="mr_err_message"></div>
View the default template for assistance and revert back if you have problems.
Multiple Boxes on Same Page
You can have multiple boxes on a single page, but each must have a unique ID. Example:

<div id="div1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
<div id="div2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
Custom Field Capture
Unlimited form data can be captured at the point of signup. This is useful if you need to pass other data to the system. For this to work, add hidden form boxes within the form field. The name of the input boxes isn't important. An example:

<input type="text" name="nm" class="mr_nm" placeholder="{placeholder_name}" value=""> (Required)
<input type="text" name="nm2" class="mr_nm" placeholder="{placeholder_name2}" value=""> (Required)
<input type="text" name="em" class="mr_em" placeholder="{placeholder_email}" value=""> (Required)
<input type="hidden" name="some_field_name" value="my value">
<input type="hidden" name="some_other_field_name" value="my other value">
Wordpress Integration
If you use Wordpress, the best way to integrate the above code is to use Wordpress's template override system. Create a new template file and add the code there. It may not work properly otherwise. Good luck.