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Question Options
Enable Question - Enables question.
Featured Question - Featured questions appear on main account dashboards under featured questions.
Question - Enter question.
Answer - Enter answer to question. Code formatting is allowed via a Wysiwyg editor. More info here.
OR Load From Custom Template - If set, loads file in 'content/**theme**/custom-templates' folder. Useful if you need to add custom javascript or PHP code etc. See 'README.txt' file in 'content/**theme**/custom-templates' folder for more information. Custom template file should exist in all theme folders.
Search Keywords - Enter keywords that will act as search keywords for this question. For example, let's say you have a question related to capital cities, you might want to enter the following as your search keywords: london paris moscow etc. Keywords only need to be delimited with a space and ideally search keywords should be 4 characters or more. Note that search keywords are not displayed to visitors.
Featured Question - Featured questions appear on main account dashboards under featured questions.
Question - Enter question.
Answer - Enter answer to question. Code formatting is allowed via a Wysiwyg editor. More info here.
OR Load From Custom Template - If set, loads file in 'content/**theme**/custom-templates' folder. Useful if you need to add custom javascript or PHP code etc. See 'README.txt' file in 'content/**theme**/custom-templates' folder for more information. Custom template file should exist in all theme folders.
Search Keywords - Enter keywords that will act as search keywords for this question. For example, let's say you have a question related to capital cities, you might want to enter the following as your search keywords: london paris moscow etc. Keywords only need to be delimited with a space and ideally search keywords should be 4 characters or more. Note that search keywords are not displayed to visitors.
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Private categories are marked with a icon. If a user icon is shown next to the padlock, the category is restricted to one or more accounts. Click icon to display restricted accounts.
Private categories are marked with a icon. If a user icon is shown next to the padlock, the category is restricted to one or more accounts. Click icon to display restricted accounts.
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