Using your text editor, open the
control/_cfg.php file and perform the following actions:
A] Edit database connection parameters to point to the database you wish to use. Contact your host if you aren't sure. Prefix is required if you only have a single database. This might be something
with an underscore. It's fine to leave the prefix as is, so don't change if you aren't sure. See notes. Example:
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'joeblogs_admin');
define('DB_PASS', '12345XX');
define('DB_NAME', 'lockbox');
define('DB_PREFIX', 'ml_');
B] Specify timezone for database. If you have no data issues with your server and date display, this will NOT need changing. In most cases
the PHP timezone will be fine. This is added as a convenience only. Time in hrs:mins.
define('DB_TIMEZONE', '+00:00');
C] Specify character set for database. Can be left blank if preferred. Used for 'Set Character Set' and 'Set Names'. If you aren't sure, utf8 should be fine. See notes:
define('DB_CHAR_SET', 'utf8');
D] Specify locale for your database. Only really required to be changed if your language isn't English. This will ensure text data in dates converted by MySQL is in your local language. For English, 'en_GB' should be fine for all. See notes:
define('DB_LOCALE', 'en_GB');
E] Specify unique secret key (or salt). You can use the
Maian Media secret key service to generate a unique key. See the connection file for more information.
define('SECRET_KEY', 'your unique string here');